I’m graduated! Farewell but not farewell
In my last post on this blog, I will be responding to my earlier post: What Does Success Look Like, summarizing the stats of the blog since its inception in 2019, and discussing the end of this blog and transitioning to a new blog!
Continue reading »CPSC 416 & 404 Review
Review of two 4th year computer science courses I took in 2021 WT2.
Continue reading »CPSC 340, 304 & 312 Review
Another year, another course review. In this post, I'll be reviewing the 3 CPSC courses I took in 2021 WT1.
Continue reading »My (Circular) Path in University
How I initially applied to science, then did my first year in engineering, second year in computer engineering, and then transferred back to science to complete a degree in computer science; a summary of my path and rating my decisions retrospectively.
Continue reading »CPSC 310, 320 & 317 Review
In this post, I summarize and review the 3 CPSC courses I took in the online term W2020: CPSC 310, CPSC 320 and CPSC 317.
Continue reading »The Online TA Experience
An overview of my experience as a teaching assistant in online class, and some interesting moments...
Continue reading »CPEN 221 & CPEN 211 Review
A look at the first term Computer Engineering or CPEN classes in Year 2. Includes breakdown of material, course experience, and learning recommendations.
Continue reading »Taking A Leap into the Unknown: Leaving Engineering
It’s hard to believe how fast our perspectives change. One year ago today, I was super excited to start my second year in my dream specialization, computer engineering. Now, I’m leaving the faculty of engineering and heading into science (with a major computer science), which I believe is more suitable for me. To the unknowing person, this transition from computer engineering to computer science may seem natural and uncomplicated. But to me, it was like navigating a sloped hill in the darkness with a flashlight. I hope to share with you the whole-decision making process, from the logical aspects, to the “leap of faith” as part of the newly understood yet typical college route that perhaps isn’t so straightforward.
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Online School & What To Look Forward To
With classes online, many of us are sulking at home, and would very much rather be sulking on campus. So I thought it would be interesting to sum up some positives about online school. Especially for those going into first year, not all hope is lost --things are not as bad as they seem.
Continue reading »UBC Course Registration Tips
For students entering UBC first year, this post explains the basics of course registration plus some important considerations when making a good timetable include AP/IB credits, scheduling, professors and STTs. Also details what online classes may look like for fall 2020.
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